1ST JD Bar Association Awards

Frederick J. Myers Professionalism Award
This award is to be bestowed upon a member of the First JD Bar Association to honor that attorney who is a model of civility and respect in the legal profession. This is an award to an attorney who demonstrates outstanding professionalism, which is defined as dedication to service to clients in a civil, respectful manner. This award is intended to honor lawyers who demonstrate exemplary ethical conduct, civility and respect, toward all Parties, Counsel, and the Court. Professionalism and civility foster respect and trust between lawyers, the judiciary, and the public. Professionalism serves the best interests of clients, promotes the efficient resolution of disputes, and improves the administration of justice. The attorney honored with this award does not need to be a litigator and his/her area of practice is irrelevant.

George Holley Young Lawyer Award
This is given to an attorney under the age of 37 or in practice for less than 5 years who is a member of the First J.D. Bar and is deserving of recognition for her or his activities with the Bar, the community and in the practice of law. The recipient should be someone who reflects a strong commitment to the legal profession and to community service.

Linda T. Palmieri Award
For Outstanding Service to Children – This is given in recognition of an individual’s demonstration of a superior degree of professionalism and commitment to children, and who has worked actively to advance the welfare of children. The individual need not be an attorney, but shall have made significant contribution to the children of the First Judicial District, and the legal system as a whole.

Claudia D. Miller Liberty Bell Award
This award is given to a non-lawyer who has furthered the interaction of the community and the legal system and provided an uncommon contribution to the system or government as a whole.

Award of Merit
Awarded to the attorney member of the First Judicial District Bar Association who primarily practices in this District, and has provided distinguished service to the Bar and the community deserving of our Association’s highest recognition.

Lisa Harness Memorial Award
This person demonstrates a superior degree of professionalism, knowledge and dedication to the position of a Clerk of the Court and has worked in the judicial system for a least one year. Persons who have consistently demonstrated their commitment to going above and beyond to assure that the judicial system and the public are served with an exceptional degree of service are appropriate nominees.

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